
Friday, November 9, 2018

Guy Fawkes Day

Here is my writing to explain why we celebrate Guy Fawkes Day.
Guy Fawkes Day
On November the 5th every year people go to shops and buy fireworks so they can launch the fireworks. When the fireworks blast off there are beautiful colours and sparkles. It is so beautiful in the sky and it’s so  loud you can’t hear anything. You can only hear the fireworks booming in the sky. I like it because it is so pretty and cool because in the night or in the day it is so colorful so that’s why I like fireworks.
This happens every year. Why does this happen?
First 400 years ago King James wanted to kill the Catholics.
So Guy Fawkes and his friends made a plan. Their plan was to get barrels of gunpowder and put it under King James building to blow it up and kill the king.
One of Guy Fawkes friends sent a letter to warn the king.
So the king told his guards to get Guy Fawkes. They caught Guy Fawkes and then they arrested him. Then they killed him.
So every year we have fireworks so we remember what happened to Guy Fawkes and his friends.

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