
Thursday, November 26, 2020

Energy Presentation

 This is my Energy Presentation

Solar Oven Instructions And Steps

This is my Solar Oven Instructions and steps

 How To Make A Solar Oven


Tin - Foil,

Glad wrap,

Black - Paper,

Shoe - Box Or A Pizza - Box,





 A Straw

And A Thermometer


Step #1 

Get a Shoe - Box/Pizza - Box

Step #2

Do straight lines to make a 

square on your lid 

Step #3

Cut out your square/lid

Step #4

Put Tin - Foil in your Shoe - Box/

 Pizza - Box and tape the tin - foil 

Step #5 

Make sure you cover the hole box with

 tin foil so the sun can reflect on it.

Step #6 

Put tin - foil on the flap

Step #7

Cut out a shape of a square

 out of the black - paper so it can

 fit in the shoe - box/ Pizza box.

Step #8 

Get some glad wrap and put

 it on the lid tight as there are 

no holes in it.

Step #9 

Get a thermometer and put 

it inside your shoe - box or a 

pizza - box

Step #10

Get a straw and put it on the lid 

so the flap stays up and put a s'more

 inside it so it cooks 


Rainbow Presentation

 This is my rainbow presentation

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Personal Goals

 Personal Goals

Kia Kaha

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Using Speech Puntuation

Using Speech Punctuation
Practice In Independent Writing

WALT use speech punctuation in our 
 WALT use different types of punctuation 
in our writing.

Success: Criteria 
I will have 4 stories 
I will use speech marks in my 

What do you think is happening?
What might the children be saying to 
each other?

Write a short description about each of the 
scenes below. 
You must include direct speech in each 
description and include the correct punctuation 
such as inverted commas. 
The first sentence has been done for me. 

During first lesson, Rory and Isobel 
worked together on their history research
“We’re never going to get this finished 
in the next ten minutes,” muttered Rory 
quietly so that Miss Roper wouldn’t hear.

Isobel and Jonothan haven’t met for 1 year so 
Jonothan decided to come back and meet his 
Sister Isobel.
When Jonothan got to Isobel’s house he said 
 “Hi how are you?’’. She said “I’m good, 
how are you?”. 

There was a concert in England.
 A lady was playing a piano at the concert. 
The lady was very happy because 
People liked her playing the piano. 
When she had finished She said 
“I am very glad that people like me 
Playing the piano”.
People said,  
“Can you teach us how to play the piano?”. 
She said “Maybe”. 
Mia and her friend Henry went on a picnic.
 Henry said 
“This picnic tastes delicious”. 
Mia was pleased that Henry liked her picnic 
so she said “thank - you”.
 They set their picnic up at a pond. 
It was peaceful and quiet at their picnic.

 On Monday Charlotte and Fred had an argument. 
Charlotte said “
You are the meanest person.
 I can’t believe you were being mean and being 
A bully to my little sister

Monday, June 8, 2020

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Friday, February 21, 2020